
Livin’ Life to Smile. To Adventure. To Captivate. To Inspire.

The emphasis is on living your life. I am not referring to mindlessly moving through a daily routine, not just surviving… but thriving, growing, and enriching your life each and every day.

All that we do in life has a purpose. I believe that the common thread regardless of the goal, is happiness. This phrase refers to living with a purpose to seek happiness, to change your thought process to create positivity and then spread it. Our relationships, our connections and our experiences are our tethering to our purpose. It gives us a sense of belonging. The easiest way to open up those connections, strengthen them and to share our happiness is to smile… Livin’ Life to Smile.

My name is Jessica, I am an island girl living a Pacific Northwest life.  I work in Medicine. Outside of my career, I am a photographer, avid adventurer, waterfall hunter, traveler, friend, daughter, and partner to a tall, handsome, bearded Oregonian.

From this website, I hope you find meaning and value, similar to the emotion of which I put in.  Its purpose is to provide an escape into a world of artistic freedom, encourages physical activity and a yearning to explore.  Enjoy the imagery and the tid bits of knowledge on travel, lifestyle inspiration, and photography.  My hope is that you find inspiration to take advantage of the present moment, to explore, and to share it with others around you.  # sharetobesharedwith

If you have inquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact me, livinlife2smile@me.com.  Mahalo!
